Monday 4 August 2014

4th August 1914 remembered

Last night at St Paul's Cathedral our bishop reminded us that we cannot change the past but we are responsible for how the past is  remembered.

The focus of this commemoration of the outbreak of World War 1 was a beautiful alter frontal that was originally created 138 wounded soldiers from   that terrible war and used to commemorate the end of the war. Many of the congregation that gathered were direct descendants of those men some of whom had travelled from Australia, Canada and other parts of the world to join in the service. For 75 years it had laid in a chest, following damage to the Cathedral during the Second World War when the Cathedral was bombed and the altar for which the frontal was designed destroyed, and in preparation for this commemoration it has been carefully restored.

The souls of the righteous are in the hand of God
and there shall no torment touch them.
In the sight of the unwise they seemed to die
And their departure is taken for misery
and their going from us to be utter destruction.
but they are in peace.
For though they be punished in the sight of men,
yet is their hope fill of immortality .
And having been a little chastised,
They shall be greatly rewarded:
For God proved them and found them worthy for himself
Wisdom 3.1-5

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