Monday 30 March 2015

Holy Week

It is often said that “a week is along time in politics”, attributed by some to a former British Prime minster Harold Wilson.
The psalmist tells us that “A thousand years in your sight are like a day that has just gone by, or like a watch in the night.” (Ps90.4)

The events of this holy week cover the last days of Jesus’ life on earth. Sunday saw his entry into Jerusalem and we are told that crowds met him with wild anticipation, hope and joy. They threw their cloths down on the road to create a 1st century red carpet for the man of the moment. They cut down branches to provide shade from the hot sun for the son of God to make his way to one of the wonders of his world, the temple at the heart of this ancient city.

It is a week that touches our humanity at its deepest level, it is a week in which the ancient faults of our humanity are exposed; betrayal, jealousy, the use of power to control and shape our destiny and as these powerful emotions spiral out of control we see the all too familiar consequences of anger, violence and death.

A week may be a long time in politics, the cheering crowd of Palm Sunday become the jeering crowd of Good Friday, a day that will change the thousands before and all the many thousand since. A week in politics is always relative and with the perspective of history may loose its power and significance for all but those for whom this was their time.  This holy week is our time and it changes for ever our destiny and yet it can pass so quickly and without us pausing in the business of our lives. There are plenty of added opportunities to join us in prayer and indeed in church.

Thursday 2nd of April 8.00pm we gather with Jesus and his disciples in the upper room and recall how the Son of God took a towel and washed his disciples feet. We then remain in church until midnight keeping watch with Peter and his friends until Judas appears and with a kiss betrays the Son of God.

Friday 3rd of April 2.00pm we gather again in church and re-enact the final hours of Jesus’ life, as we too stand at the foot of the cross and behold the wood of the cross on which hung the saviour of the world.

Saturday 4th of April at 7.30pm as the sun sets on this holy week we light a fire and from its flames light the paschal candle that symbolizes the Risen Christ and keep vigil until the moment when  we once again declare “Alleluia Christ is Risen” and our Easter celebration begins.

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