Saturday 16 May 2015

St Matthias our Patron - 14th May

Almost nothing is known of St Matthias. Perhaps he is most important because his election as an apostle shows the way the that Church would continue to choose its pastors and guides, by bringing forward members as the Spirit led.

Our Patron Saint’s name is the Greek form of Mattathias, Hebrew Mattithiah, signifying "gift of Yahweh." The late mediaeval
Golden Legend says “Matthias in Hebrew is as much to say as given to our Lord, or a gift of our Lord, or else humble or little.” St Matthias is certainly humble in terms of personal fame! He is not mentioned in the Gospels, but according to Acts 1.21 was one of the disciples of Jesus, and had been with Him from His baptism by John to the Ascension. Indeed the lack of definite information has led some people to identify him with this or that little-known figure, including Nathaniel, Barnabas, and even Zacchaeus.

St Matthias is only mentioned in the New Testament in
Acts 1.21-26, when he was one of the two disciples selected as candidates to fill the place among the Twelve Apostles left by Judas. After prayer lots were cast and Matthias was chosen.

Where the canonical sources fail us, legends and church traditions more than make up for. 
A number of sources tell of him preaching the gospel to the "cannibals of Ethiopia"

A different tradition was that Matthias was stoned at Jerusalem and then beheaded with an axe. This tradition gained the most popularity in the Western Church. There we learn that Matthias was a native of Bethlehem, where he was trained in the Law and the Prophets. After he had been elected to join the apostles, he preached in Jerusalem and worked miracles of healing in the name of Jesus. For this he was accused before the high priest but refused to answer, saying, “to be a Christian is nothing criminal but it is a glorious life”. Offered a chance to repent, Matthias said “God forbid that I should repent of the truth that I have truly found, and become an apostate” (was he perhaps thinking of Judas whom he had replaced?).

He returned to preaching by word and example, converting many, until finally his enemies got two false witnesses to accuse him, and the false witnesses cast the first stones against him. Matthias “prayed that the stones might be buried that the false witnesses had cast upon him, for to bear witness against them that stoned him,” and in the end they beheaded him with an axe, in the Roman manner. He died commending his spirit to God.

Finally we should note a tradition that St Matthias died of old age. Hippolytus of Rome (d. 235) said that “Matthias, who was one of the seventy, was numbered along with the eleven apostles, and preached in Jerusalem, and fell asleep and was buried there.”

These stories have no historical value, although the words “to be a Christian is nothing criminal but it is a glorious life” are well worth remembering. It is very likely that he never went to the country we call Ethiopia.

The concern of the Apostles to complete the number is interesting; for the institution of Twelve Apostles was not maintained in the Church. There is no account of a further election when St James the brother of John was executed (Acts 12:2). So maybe Matthias is unique in this regard and that is why has had captured the imagination of many throughout the ages.

The choice between Barsabbas and Matthias was made by casting lots, not ballots: voting by ballot was not a Jewish custom; the method of discerning the Lord’s will in the Old Testament was by lot. Moreover a ballot would not harmonize with their prayer “show which of these two thou hast chosen”. What they did was to give each candidate a tablet, bearing his name, to place in the urn; and that which fell out, on the urn being shaken, determined which was successful.

This is the only known occasion on which the early Church used lots to ascertain God’s will; it is not stated by what method of choice was used when the Twelve told the brethren to “pick out from among you” the seven to assist in the service(Acts 6.3-5).

So what do we take away from the recounting of some interesting if not rather unreliable traditions concerning St Matthias our patron?

I would suggest two things.
firstly his name:  the meaning of Matthias name is
“given to our Lord, or a gift of our Lord, or else humble or little.”

We are certainty little in number here this morning and I would hope that even though we are small our contribution to the life of the community through our hall and in this church where over the years people come to mourn their loved ones, celebrate new life granted to them and their families and of course to celebrate the love that binds two people together in marriage is of greater significance.

Let me encourage you this morning to think of yourselves as given our Lord and as such a gift for the world we are called to serve and in which we witness to that Lord who calls us as he called our Patron Matthias and join with him in the this ministry and apostleship” of the church which is ours to share in through our baptism.

We do this at a time in the world where it is Christians who are the most persecuted of all the faith communities in the world. Every 11 minutes a man or a woman or a child is put to death simply for being that “gift of our Lord”

The second are the words attributed to him at his martyrdom: Matthias is recorded in saying that  “to be a Christian is nothing criminal but it is a glorious life”. Let us pray for our brothers and sisters in faith who are treated as criminal, for our brothers and sisters who like our Patron Matthias have left this life to enter their glory by the violent had of another, and let us pray that God will spare us and indeed all his Church from such a fate but that should we ever be faced with such choices that others have to make every day let us take heart from our Patron's own words when face with such a choice:
“God forbid that I should repent of the truth that I have truly found, and become an apostate” 

Sunday 10 May 2015

I call you friends

I wonder what you can remember of the excitement or maybe interpretation in the first moment that you realized that Jesus Christ was making a demand on your life?

I wonder if you are at a stage in your life right now when you are looking ahead and realizing that your relationship with Jesus Christ is taking you in to new and uncharted waters, that maybe Jesus is calling you to something new in your life, something disturbing or something you would rather not have to deal with?

In our Gospel reading taken from what are called Jesus’ “farewell discourses” in John, we hear Jesus speak of “friendship” as the new relationship he has created with his followers. The Greek word he uses here for friend is philos, meaning someone who loves.

“I do not call you servants any longer, because the servant does not know what the master is doing; but I have called you friends,
because I have made known to you everything that I have heard from my Father.”

And so God’s friendship also has something to do with transparency, authenticity, what we might call plain, direct speech as opposed to flattery or holding back.

A way to think about this is that Jesus is God’s “plain speech to us,” the Word coming to us in our own language, in fact in our own flesh, the Word revealing to us and uniting us to the heart of God’s very self.

As we continue to celebrate Easter, marking that celebration with the renewal of our baptismal vows.
As we reflect on what our calling and vocation as Christians in this world might mean in every day language, what it might call us to do with our lives.
As we work together as the body of Christ in these communities of Hendon and Colindale showing forth not just in our words and prayers but by our actions too the love of Christ that we find to be true at the heart of our lives….

I want to remind you that all of us are the enactment of God’s outpouring of life and God’s transparent, authentic and direct speech, that has  already come to us in Christ Jesus.

When we think of Vocation, when we look back on the lives of some of the saints or those whose lives inspire us I guess it is a truth that for them their calling, their vocation is at one and the same time like the kiss of a lover that entices and woes us and like the bite of wild animal that draws blood and caused pain.

On Thursday we recalled those whose calling was to stand against an evil in this world that took life, crushed freedom and threatened the future that has been our lives. We gave thanks for Victory day in Europe on a day that we also when to the polls as a nation to cast our vote. We were able to stand together as a nation at the voting booth on Thursday; because of those who stood together in the face of evil, who gave their blood, who embrace pain and because they cherished life answered the call to give their lives for that love.

When we hear the words of our gospel this morning we see a clear understanding in the mind of John the author of the gospel of the extremes that can be a mark of our calling as friends of Christ.

The first of these is extreme, for it’s the idea that a friend is one who would be willing to give their life for their friend. Put another way, if I am friend to you, your welfare, your hopes and dreams, your very life is so important to me that I am willing for my blood, both the symbol of and reality of my life, to be shed for you.

But in Jesus, of course, the idea of befriending becomes the enactment of befriending. For Jesus doesn’t just talk about things—he is them; he does them.  We thought about this last week with the notion of love, God is love and love is from God. And so the very pattern of Jesus’ life enacts this idea. Jesus lays down his life for his friends and in doing so, shows his disciples and you and me what loving and befriending another will mean: the freely given outpouring of life for the sake of the other.

But the Gospel of John doesn’t stop there. For right along with this notion of friendship and sacrifice comes a second one.

v 15 I do not call you servants any longer, because the servant does not know what the master is doing; I have called you friends, because I have made known to you everything that I have heard from my Father. 16 You did not choose me but I chose you.

Jesus is Lord yes but in this new understanding and relationship that is created by his love we become friends with our Lord, no longer do I call you servants but friend.

Notice the distinction Jesus drew between being a servant and being a friend. It’s not the privilege of the servant to understand his master’s business. It’s just for him to do what he’s told. No questions. No reasons. Just “Very good, sir. If you say so, sir.”
To make it plain that he did not want such blind obedience, Jesus reminded the disciples that he had told them all he could about his Father’s business. This would make it possible for them to give him what he really wanted—the free cooperation of understanding friends.

The bible does give us examples of those who at the same time as being leaders and examples for us are also called God’s friends
 Abraham, Moses and even Job is finally called a friend of God.

Once again it is here that we see a new pattern of vocation, of calling in Christ. blind obedience to a law, loyalty to the God who like a Judge will be merciless in pronouncing judgment when we betray that loyalty
are no longer adequate, sufficient or comprehensive in the light of God’s revelation through Jesus Christ.

So today we do not just remember the past:
The times when we have responded to the call of Christ in our lives.
The times when faced with a decision we have sought direction for our lives from Jesus.
The times when we have felt the support and encouragement of our friends in Christ that have meant we have kept on going in the face of obstacles and setback, disappointments and regrets.

Today is about deciding whether or not we will say “yes” to the continuing life of Christ that is within us. The life of Christ that calls us into a friendship that will change our way of being.

Today is about deciding whether we will say “yes” to the continuing life and vocation that is ours in Christ.  A yes which can be relied upon to ask us to pour out our lives for the sake of the Church and the world at a time when we face so many dangers and troubles.

Thursday 7 May 2015

V. E Day 70th Anniversary remembered.

Giving thanks for those who made the ultimate sacrifice in the face of an evil that threatened all of us
we remember the suffering and the joy of this day 70years ago.

The Blitz In Ealing
From the collection: Nine Lessons from the Dark by Adam Thorpe

You crouched under the table as the ceiling 
Rained down flour and the lights went out. Upstairs 
Whole chunks played the devil with the bed 
Still warm from your dreams 
And the clues of hands and haunch and head.

But you weren’t there, crushed 
Beneath the latticework of laths, 
Though the air’s arch concussed you into dark 
To bring you round to such amazing quiet 
You were sure you were in Heaven, a graceful park

Coasting to a cry, which was yours, and then 
The familiar kitchen was crawling out of dust 
Into time you weren’t, after all, denied... 
The All Clear siren and the shrills of bells 
And the neighbours unhooked from the brick slide

That was next door’s up to minutes ago 
Groaning on the sofa, bleeding in the hall - 
And you knew now where you were, you said 
(standing in the street by your own front door) 
the fiery light dancing on the stockinged dead.

70 years ago this nation stood together to end a titanic struggle again Nazi Germany, a struggle that involved every citizen from these united kingdoms. For many there was joy and jubilation for many more there was a more sober and stunned response as they recalled all that had been lost and sacrificed in the struggle against an evil that strove to deny life and all that we value as a modern democratic society

Today the nation stands outside polling booths to cast their vote for those who will make choices that will affect all of us. We are able to enter the polling booths because of the sacrifice of those who have gone before us. We are able to have a say in who we believe should govern us, it is a gift as well as a right. let us use it well.

Sunday 3 May 2015

“Beloved, let us love one another, for love is from God, 1 john 4.7

There is a lot said about love. In deed as Christians we have a lot to say about Love: think how many time the word appears in our sermons, our prayers, our hymns, in our Bible readings. In these Sundays of Easter we have been reading from the epistles of John which have one theme running throughout and it is Love.
Let us look in a little more detail at the words John writes in the 4th chapter of his first letter, epistle.

In the two verses preceding our second reading this morning we see John touch on two important aspects of love. In verse 6, he writes, “And this is love, that we walk according to his commandments.” Christian love is most full understood as Love for God and in this verse he points to an important aspect of Christian love, that is first and foremost obedience to God. Love is not passive, not primarily an emotion we feel, love is something we do – obey God. Of course, when John says this, he is reminding us of the teachings of Jesus about love for the Lord our God being the greatest commandment. If we love God, we will obey him and the depth of our obedience is the mark by which we know our love.
In verse 5, John simply writes, “Love one another”, which echoes Paul’s teaching in Romans 8:8, “He who loves his neighbour has fulfilled the law”. “Love one another” – it is such a simple command… Christian love means to love others.
There is a lovely story told about John the apostle who was the only disciple to live into old age. As the Bishop of Ephesus, he lived a long time and had an active ministry to the day he died. But shortly before he died, he grew so frail that he had to be carried everywhere and he had little breath to preach for long. And time and time again, he would preach the same sermon; a sermon that was only 5 words long: “Little children, love one another”. Five small words that, for John, encapsulated the Christian message.
Loving God and loving others – two practical out workings of the Christian faith.

Turning to our reading verses 7-8: John tells us that God’s nature is love. “Beloved, let us love one another, for love is from God, and whoever loves has been born of God and knows God. Anyone who does not love does not know God, because God is love.” Notice it says two things. Verse 7 says that “love is from God.” And verse 8 at the end says, “God is love.” These are not at odds.

Because when John says that “love is from God,” he doesn’t mean it’s from him the way letters are from a mailman, or even letters are from a friend. He means that love is from God the way heat is from fire, or the way light is from the sun. Love belongs to God’s nature. It’s woven into what he is. It’s part of what it means to be God. The sun gives light because it is light. And fire gives heat because it is heat.

So John’s point is that for we who live in Christ, we who renewed our baptism at Easter a month ago are acknowledging that we are part the divine life of God and that an essential part of that life is love. God’s nature is love, and in the new birth that comes with our baptism God’s nature becomes part of who we  are.
When we look at verse 12 of our second reading we read “No one has ever seen God; if we love one another, God lives in us and his love is perfected in us.”
In these words John is assuring us that the love we have when we are born again through our baptism is no mere imitation of the divine love, no it is an experience of the divine love and it is the divine love that we pass on when we fulfill the commandment of our lord – that is to love God and love our neighbour.
So the first way John links God’s love for us and our love for people is by focusing on God’s nature as love and how when we are made one with Christ, when we are born again, when we are baptized we are connected to that divine nature.

John then goes on to speak of how the love of God is manifested in history

Verse 10 we read “In this is love, not that we loved God but that he loved us and sent his Son to be the atoning sacrifice for our sins. 11Beloved, since God loved us so much, we also ought to love one another. 12No one has ever seen God; if we love one another, God lives in us, and his love is perfected in us.”

It is in Love, from love, because of love, that God could no longer stand by but chose to become part of the created order he has brought in to being through the word by the power of he Spirit.

When we see that All powerful, All knowing, Creator, Glorious but distant God moved by Love to become part of our lives we see how and why we also get involved.

Once again the people of this island have shown their deep desire to get involved in the life of others who are in need in the amazing giving of £15 million to the suffering in Nepal. But as impressive as this is it is does not really capture the meaning John is conveying when he speaks about the love of God revealed in Jesus Christ and our response.

Salvation history is filled with examples of those who have been sent, as a donation is sent, to guide, direct and even plead with humanity to love one another. In deed it is the revelation of Christianity that shows that such an approach is inadequate, Mohammad might well be the last of the prophets and peace be upon him, but prophets beginning with Adam are only like a donation sent across the world. The revelation of Christianity is that God himself travels across the vastness of time, across the void that separated our world from his and shows us love.

John tells us in verse 11 “Beloved since God loves us so much we also ought to love one anotherwhen he says, “We ought to love each other,” he means ought in the way fish ought to swim in water and birds ought to fly in the air and living creatures ought to breathe and peaches ought to be sweet and lemons ought to be sour. As baptized people, we are born again and ought to love. It’s who we are. This is not mere imitation. For the children of God, imitation becomes realization. We are realizing who we are when we love. God’s Spirit is in us. God’s nature is in us. God’s love is being perfected in us. so that when people see us they see God, when people experience love they are experiencing the reality of God

Why can’t we give love that one more chance?
Why can’t we give love……
Cause Love’s such an old fashioned word
and Love dare you to care
for the people on the edge of the night
and love dares you to change our way
of caring about ourselves
                                    Under Pressure by David Bowie